We were engaged to work with a full service wine and spirits company who required assistance in taking their business to the next level. Our challenge was to make the whole company more efficient, creating more effective, scalable processes to allow successful and profitable growth in the future.
We were engaged to work with a full service wine and spirits company who required assistance in taking their business to the next level. Whilst their company was growing in sales, their profitability was not matching this growth and they urgently needed a thorough review of their operations and processes.
Our challenge was to make the whole company more efficient, creating more effective, scalable processes to allow successful and profitable growth in the future.
CMG provided an embedded Change Team in the company’s Head Office. Our key stakeholders were the CFO (who was also our sponsor), the Buying Director, the Supply Chain Director and the On-Trade and Off-Trade Sales Directors.
The team established that the project would need to be executed in three broad phases: Phase One was a thorough review of most business functions to examine “as-is” and build “to-be” processes, step change opportunities and potential efficiencies.
Once this process-mapping and data gathering phase was complete, the CMG change team worked to create change road maps and workstream teams to implement these. As part of the process, 36 of these individual process maps were created.
The analysis, reports and process maps were proposed to the Board and promptly signed off.
In Phase Two we scoped and selected an Enterprise Planning Resource software for the project, which was Microsoft Dynamics Navision.
Once this was chosen we appointed a third party company to build and implement this software into the client’s existing operational solution. We worked closely with them to configure the Navision package to exactly fit the requirements of the project.
This phase also used the previously approved process maps to set up a program of multiple workstreams. These were run by internal client teams who we worked closely with, onboarding and coaching them in our methodology to ensure that the project would run smoothly, to time and budget.
Once detailed planning was complete, Phase Three saw the implementation of all the process maps by the previously defined workstreams. Workstreams were aligned to functional areas and the Change team worked closely with department stakeholders.
This was a major, all-encompassing business transformation which involved most of the corporate functions including Buying, Demand Planning, Supply Chain, Warehousing and Sales. Another challenging aspect of this was the client wanted to move at great speed to get this implemented.
In addition to the main go-live date, other smaller go-live deadlines were phased throughout the project. These process changes were implemented in stages in order to circumvent the strain on the business of all processes being launched simultaneously.
It was a tight deadline but the project was successfully rolled out on time and on budget. The company was left with a set of processes which were effective, efficient and scalable.