Online strategy and digital design
Since the day we launched we’ve been helping businesses focus on online strategic goals, defining digital marketing strategies and putting customer experience at the heart of their digital transformations. Sometimes that means re-engineering every process and skill set, or it could just be a simple move to a new technology platform.
Store of the Future
We’re seeing a period of tremendous disruption in retail which offers vast opportunities for the in-store experience and the retail model generally.
Digital technology has the potential to elevate the retail environment, delivering a sleek, modern, contemporary experience to today’s sophisticated, uber-connected consumers. Endless aisle, flexible POS tech, web walls and bluetooth headsets for team members all offer an immersive brand experience for the customer. Digital tech also allows retailers the opportunity to look "outside the box" and develop improved operating models, processes and supply chains.
A carefully considered in-store digital strategy is important. Retailers must evolve to succeed and partnering with CMG is the first step in this transformation.
Digital Operating Models
Organisations know what they are aiming for. They want to be more agile, more effective and deliver a great customer experience. However, there is a tendency to adopt the latest initiative to implement one-off projects in a particular area. The result? Disappointment, temporary gains and no sign of the major impact which was hoped for.
In today's increasingly virtual, scattered workplace, organisations need new ways to innovate, allocate resources and reinvent processes.
Here at CMG we specialise in delivering all aspects of digital change, realising transformation strategies through structured business analysis, project and programme management. We have deep experience in enabling organisations define new, innovative target operating models, driving the business transformations needed to achieve success.